The Introduction And Domain
A time when we want to access a particular web site, we usually just type the web site address in the browser, and in some time, the site that we will soon be heading terpampang on the screen. Similarly, when we send each other emails, which we need is an email address the message to determine Where we akan posted. All the convenience can not be separated from the role of the domain.
In fact, what is the domain? Before we discuss more about the domain, we need to know a little about how a host in the environment of internet access. Internet consists of millions of host computers which are spread throughout the world which all interconnected through a network form with a certain hierarchy. Hosts communicate with each other is through a standard protocol called TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). So that each computer that make up the Internet network can communicate with each other, then each must have a specific address. This address must be unique, so there is not bolah two hosts that have the same address.
Pengalamatan system used a combination of 4 numbers between 0 array s / d 255 each separated by a period (.), From to 255,255,255,255. Row numbers is known as an IP address (IP address). Each host is connected in a network must have an internet IP address as the identifier to be able to bekomunikasi with another host in the network. Pengalamatan allows IP-based internet put address more than 4 billion hosts. In fact, not all combinations of IP addresses can be used. There are some special combination is reserved for specific purposes so that should not be used for purposes pengalamatan, for example, is the IP that is required to appoint (lookup) to the local host.
Although the technical system based on this IP pengalamatan quite powerful, but he still has weaknesses. Human brain is generally not easy to remember the combination number in large numbers. The solution is to associate the IP number in a combination of letters that make up a name that is easy to remember. Nah, the host name as the identifier on the Internet is what we call the domain, while domain-based system pengalamatan known as Domain Name Service (DNS).
Domain Naming
Of course, for a host name can not be done in a haphazard, have the technical rules that must be obeyed so that the domain can be regarded as a valid domain. Pengalamatan-based domain using a tiered system, starting from the top level (known as the TLD, Top Level Domain), to a level below it. Take the example this web site. Of domain name can be seen that the address of this site ( is a subdomain of the domain Singcat the shelter under the TLD. Com.
TLD. Com (commercial) is an international TLD that covers a host of activities to handle commercial. In addition, also known TLD. Net (network) for network,. Org (organization) to other organizations,. Edu (educational) institutions for education,. Gov (government) institutions for governance and. Mil (military) for the purposes of military. Determining the TLD is located in the international authority ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers,, an international non-profit organizations that deal with specific matters relating to the allocation of IP on the Internet, the protocols used, and based management system for naming domains. Meanwhile, the management of the TLD is the administrative authority of the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority,, which is also a non-profit organization that mengemban coordination function in the global Internet.
In the beginning, TLD. Com,. Net, and. Org, used in accordance peruntukannnya, but because ownership of the domain under this TLD is free and automatically apply the procedure, the peruntukannya tend to be ignored. Among all the international TLD, the TLD. Com TLD is the most in demand. This may be related to the dotcom fever that is currently the world so that every company will feel outdated if not yet have its own domain under the TLD. Com.
Nowadays, international TLD users, especially "trio". Net,. Com and. Org, have very berjubel. For prospective new owner of the domain, will be very difficult to find good words, and abbreviations that have not been exhausted. Because ICANN TLD set some new, between them. Info,. News,. Biz,. Museum. Coop,. Name, and. Aero.
TLD Local
In addition to international TLD, TLD, we also recognize that a particular country covers (known as the Country Code Top Level Domain, ccTLD). For example, the ccTLD for the United Kingdom is. Uk, Malaysia. My, and India. In. A ccTLD is set by ICANN, but the management was appointed to the institution in the country concerned. Indonesia have their own ccTLD. Id and management to the IDNIC (
Institutions as the authority that regulates penggunaaan ccTLD Indonesia, IDNIC set some of the subdomains for ccTLD. Peruntukannya according to the id of each. Subdomain that is available. (corporate, company),. (network, network or ISP),. (organization, organization, etc.), (government, institutions of government),. (academy, educational institutions), and. (military, military organizations). Recently added to the subdomain. (school, sekolahan),. (personal site) and. (for Warnet).
Unlike the global TLD ownership is relatively free, the IDNIC set the rules for the strict use of domain-based Indonesia. Than the aim to prevent abuse, but also so that each domain is only used by those who are truly eligible.
Some countries, including the lucky because that is easy to have a ccTLD is associated with a particular term or terms. Take the example Tuvalu, a tiny country in the Pacific ocean. TLD. State-owned TV in demand this be sweet, television station manager. Not surprisingly, even Indonesian TV station, RCTI ever need to leave the domain to move to the domain Similar fate experienced by Micronesia France (French Micronesia) where the domain. Fm property of this country be the manager canal radio stations. Of course, countries may be the rather meraup income results from selling this domain.
What about Indonesia? Although ccTLD. Id property can not be associated with the "identification" or "identity" - that will attract those who want a unique domain-but at least until this time, IDNIC still do not intend to sell the domain to the Indonesia-based - parties, both perusahaaan, organizations, or individuals who have no connection with India.
Cybersquatter and Domain Pelesetan
To have a domain, then we must register with agencies / institutions / companies who have the right to add a new domain under an existing TLD. This organization is called with the Registrar. Depend on the type of TLD that we want, whether global or regional, we can apply to the appropriate registrar. Registrar for global TLD have quite a lot and they determine the prices vary, ranging from under USD 10 to USD 35/domain/tahun of these, while the TLD-based Indonesia itself can be purchased on the site IDNIC worth Rp. 150.000, - / domain / year.
The process of registration will provide access to the control panel on the website of the registrar where the domain owner setting can do more, especially to tie own domain with the IP address of host that will use the domain.
A glimpse of the cost must be paid for a domain is relatively small, but in reality, things that otherwise might occur. What article? As an identity in the virtual world, the domain has a significant role for the business. Every owner of a domain name hoping that they correlate with the domain name of a company or product that would show through the internet media. This is certainly not a problem when the domain diincar indeed have that have not yet. But if already? Of course there are only two alternatives. The first, is find another domain that is also appropriate (and which have not yet exist), and the second alternative is to buy the domain's owner, of course, with the price he requested.
The fact of this kind often used to create a domain object as a profitable speculation. The "domain speculator" working with the purchase domains and dianggurkan for a time in the hope that the parties have a domain and then are willing to buy the high price. This activity is known as cybersquatting, and the perpetrators usually called cybersquatter.
Many interesting stories related to this activity. One party has ever felt "dikerjai" Digital Corp. is a cybersquatter. A well-perusaan hardware in the U.S.. Starting from a site search engine (search engine) developed by the digital. Either because it is still experimental or less "confident" the site to compete with other search engines that are famous, address-site search engine called Altavista-only placed as a subdomain of the site Digital. Later when the allegations beyond a search engine into an application that is so popular, terbersit be the pengembangnya intention to create a domain for a search engine with the domain Unfortunately, the domain was already there that have. Digital Hence the need to dive to pocket tens of thousands of USD for the domain is redeemed from the hand of the speculator.
Similar events experienced by Amien Rais. Chairman of the MPR-RI had failed to use this domain for the new personal site opened in 2002 ago because the domain is already hurried be struck by others. Whether the ransom requested by the domain sipemilik Amien pack or may not want to own a fuss that he prefers to use the domain
Acts that do not exclaim him less experienced by a group of famous bands of the country around the beginning of 2002 ago. Began when the webmaster who maintain sites diserahi forgot to update the domain that have expired. This latter result in fatal because a domain that is already expired then taken over a cybersquatter Hong Kong origin and directed to porn sites ...! Later the new owner offers to return the domain to the original owner. Of course, this bid is not free. No half-hearted install it to USD bandrol to 8000 domain.
Not only businesses, and celebrities (both from the world of entertainment and political celebrities) be by a matter of domain. No less from the White House site ( direpotkan also by the same. Problem because there are certain parties that the site-specific adult with the same domain, but under a different TLD with a site that displays one of these symbols adikuasa country.
Similar cases (but not the same) also have occurred in Indonesia between site, official site owned by PT Mustika Ratu, a company in traditional medicine, with Mustika by other parties. This case even scrolling down to the court and noted as perhaps the first legal case relating to the use of a domain in Indonesia.
However, cases pemelesetan domain the most fatal occurred around mid-2001 past, override a site internet banking (i-banking) belonging to a top bank in Indonesia. At the time a hacker, also from Indonesia, a number of sites with a domain that is similar to the site the bank concerned. Next, trace the original content of the site into a site that uses domain pelesetan is, the hacker successfully encompass hundreds of PIN numbers belonging to customers who bank mistakenly do i-banking transactions on the site using the domain pelesetan own. Customers to enter this site because pelesetan typed the address incorrectly, that bank dituju site. Fortunately, the hacker does not intend it. It seems that only the actions for research activities. Similarly, files that store hundreds of customer data, including PIN numbers, which have opted not to destroyed and misused.
Current speculation pemelesetan domain and a domain that has been known to the public should not override the Indonesia-based web sites when they use a regional TLD Indonesia. This is because the strict registration procedures so that the Indonesia-based domain is very little possibility of abuse by parties who do not bertanggungawab. But it may be because of factors are considered prestige or more bonafid, so many parties that choose to use a global domain, with all the risks and consequences.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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