Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ho to avoid paying too much

How can we know which plan to achieve? When comparing web host accounts you will see a lot of techie jargon. Here is an example of a web hosting plan: 50 MB storage, 500 MB of weight, POP3 e-mail, FTP, mysql database, cgi, php, python, SSL, SSH, FrontPage extensions. 

It seems confusing, huh? Do not let it pass you techie jargon. If you are starting in this case is you need to know, the things you need to worry about things and can be ignored: 

1. Storage space - this is the amount of space that lets you use your web server. If you are just starting, do not worry that the plan you selected does not have enough space for you. Be. 

All you probably need is 5 MB of storage space. That does not sound like much, but it really is a lot. The website uses an average of 2-3 MB of space. As a guide, one of my sites has over 100 pages and uses less than 3MB of space. 

From the most basic to most host websites offering plan offers much more space than the (10, 50, 100, 500, etc.). If you get the more comfortable and offers at least 5 MB of space that should be fine. 

People who need space: photographers putting their portfolio on the website, people who want to make films for people who run a lot of data / chat / other programs. 

2nd Bandwidth - Each time someone visits your site from your service center to "serve" your website for them. The space it occupies, when the host offers the site is called the bandwidth. This is also called the data transfer by some guests. The application of the most time on your site, the more bandwidth used. Therefore, the most popular on your site, plus the use of bandwidth. 

Most sites can not exceed the bandwidth allocated to them so that probably will never have to worry about it. If your site becomes extremely popular with your web host tells you that you need to move from an account with a higher bandwidth. A good problem to have. 

3rd E-mail - most of hosting websites offer an email address or unlimited POP3 e-mail, auto-reply and forwarding agents, or a substantial part. 

A POP3 account allows you to send and receive email from your computer using a program such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc.. In this way is not required to access your web mail to check their mail. You can receive and send directly from your desktop. 

E-mail (also called aliases) lets you create a group of different email addresses using your domain name. For example, you can create,, etc. 

If you really do not need to worry about the email address provided by the Web offer a majority of all the hosts of this rule. 

4 CGI - if you want to get technical and give some scripts on your site as a reference to a Friend Bookmark this site subscribe newsletter, etc.. then you want to make sure that the hosting account subscription includes access CGI. This script allows you to work on your site. 

If you use a host site of the manufacturer to create your website is not necessary to worry about it - will be offered on its website that will let you do easily. 

Front Page Extensions 5 - this applies only if you are using the page to build your software. Your web host must support the Front Page extensions in order to transfer your website to your server using the first page. Most, but some still do not. If you do not say so on your site, check with your web host before signing to ensure that they do not support Front Page. 

6. PHP, Perl, MySql, SSI, etc.. - If you do not know what is and what I explained earlier, you do not need it. 

So now you know what you need, what to look for and what to look for. Now it is about to begin your search for web host. Not sure where to start? So many people have asked me to recommend hosts that I have a list of host sites on the Internet that I like.

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