Thursday, June 18, 2009

Setting Custom Domain for Blogger or Blogspot

Setting in Blogspot 
Go to the blogspot blog, and to the akan disetting to a custom domain. Click Settings> Publish. Then click the Custom Domain link 
Click the link "Switch to advanced settings" 
Enter your domain name with www, eg Verify the contents in accordance with the words drawn. Then click "Save settings" 
Click on "Navigate to (aja only example). Then click save settings again. 
Setting the Domain and DNS 
Log in to domain manager 
Note the bottom-right of the "Domain Login Panel" you will find the "Manage Full" on the right side of the domain name. Click the button is the "Manage Full" is. 

After that you will find the key button, such as the image below: 

He clicks the button "FREE DNS Service" 

Active "FREE DNS Service" if you do not activate it (but if you activate them on to step number 5) 

then click the Auto-update for me nameserver 
Click the "Manage DNS Service" (akan keluar new window) 
Click the "Add CNAME Record" 
- Hostname in the box with the contents of the sub domain name, ie you want your blog can be accessed with then fill the box with the hostname www. 
- In the "Value" set as the image below 
- Click Add Record

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I read this article. As per you said i found one combination from blog-spot I think this is useful for you.
