Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to make email and pop3 setting

Create an email account 

To create an email account, you can follow the steps below 
login to CPANEL 
Click the email accounts on the Mail Menu 
create email accounts you need and provide a username and password, and your capacity as needed 

Setting POP3 mail client 

SMTP Server: mail.yourdomain.com 
POP3 Server: mail.yourdomain.com 
Username: e-mail address complete (eg name@yourdomain.com) 

if the program "e-mail client" you do not support the "@" sign in the username alternative use "%" or "+" instead. 

SMTP Server IndoGlobalWeb need Authentifikasi to send e-mail, if you use Outlook Express you can enable this with Authentifikasi entry to: 

Tools> Accounts> "Select the email account"> click the Properties tab "Servers" 

Then check on the "My server requires authentication" on the outgoing Mail Server. 

If you are still confused in setting up your email account POP3, cPanel can automatically on setting up Outlook Express. All you need to do is: 

1. Login to cPanel 
2. click on "Manage Accounts" in the Mail Menu 
3. click on "Outlook (Express) Auto Config" on the right account the desired 
4. click the "OK" when the windows display the message window. 
5. select "Open this file from its current location" and click "OK" in the File Download window. 
6. click "Yes" when the "Registry Editor" appears. 
7. Done .. now have Outlook Express configured for the account, you will need to repeat the steps above to configure another account.

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